Thursday, April 17, 2014

Straightening Seattle's Misconceptions

We aren't all lucky enough to have all our friends and family in the Seattle area. So when we talk to people about the area, it's understandable if they fall back on some classic Seattle stereotypes. No, we're not "sleepless here" and we definitely don't go to the Space Needle everyday.

There's so much that makes this city great aside from the stereotypes, but we found an amusing article on today we thought we'd share.

What are some of the most common things we have to explain to out of towners? Here are some of our favorites from the list:

Yes, this is what we’re wearing!
That is the answer to any and all questions like: "Jeans... at work?", "Cargo shorts... to a wedding?!", or "Flannel/Polar fleece... to (insert pretty much any place, here)?".

No one owns an umbrella...
And using one’s the best way to let people know you’re not from here.

.. because it doesn’t actually rain that much
Just flew in from Chicago? New York? It rains more in both those cities every year than it does here.

No, not everyone here works for Microsoft
Some people work at the dozens of PR, consulting, gaming, and other companies they single-handedly keep in business. Or at Amazon.

No one from here actually goes to the Space Needle
Or the Science Center, or EMP, or anywhere else at Seattle Center. Unless there’s something really good on the IMAX, or we’re hungry for Bigfood. On second thought, forget it… it’s not worth it.

But we WILL go to Pike Place Market with you
As long as it’s, like, Monday or Tuesday during the day, or you promise to stop at Street Donuts, or Zaccagni’s, or Piroshky Piroshky. Or maybe at Radiator Whiskey for a barrel-aged cocktail.

Starbucks isn’t our favorite coffee shop
At least, we’ll tell you it’s Victrola, or Slate, or Seattle Coffee Works, or Bauhaus, but we’ve still got more Starbucks per person than any other city -- one for every 4,000 people or so.

We’ve got more beer than you do
Unless you’re from California, but still… we’ve got over 200 breweries, turning the country’s best hops into can’t-miss suds like Elysian, Reuben’s Roasted Rye, and Maritime’s Islander Pale. We could go on, but there’s so much sweet beer to drink!

Click here to read the full Thrillist article!


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