Thursday, July 17, 2014

How to Settle Decor Disagreements

Having a roommate is a great way to save money on daily apartment expenses and to keep you company while at home. But having a roommate can also be a source of stress at times and communication is vitally important in settling disputes or disagreements.

One of the most exciting parts of moving into an apartment is making it your own, and decorating is a big part of that. But what happens when you and your new roomie disagree on how to decorate?'s blog had some great tips we wanted to share:

Flip a Coin
When it comes to common areas like the living room, kitchen, dining room or a shared bathroom, let an old school solution settle the disagreement. Flip a coin. It’s fair and completely unbiased.

Shop Together
This way you can settle disagreements before any money is spent. Not only will it help you to get a better feel of your roommate’s likes and dislikes, it’ll also stop hideous purchases from being made.

Talk About It!
Don’t go moving that sofa to the other side of the living room without first checking with your roomie. You don’t necessarily need to ask for permission, but soliciting their opinion is a common courtesy. How would you feel if you walked into your apartment and the entire living room was suddenly rearranged? Not cool.

Just Give Up
Why bother fighting over a room that you know you won’t be spending time in? The dining room is generally a very formal space for enjoying meals. If you have zero interest in hanging out there much, let your bedfellow spruce it up.

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